Outdoor Gear for Adults
At Jan & Jul we believe in the power of getting families into nature, no matter the weather! That is why we have designed outdoor gear for adults! We are so excited to outfit you along with your little ones for the outdoors whether you are hiking, relaxing at the beach or chilling in your backyard. Be sun-safe with Jan & Jul Sun Hats for Adults, they provide excellent protection with UPF 50+ rated fabrics and no added chemicals. Our Women’s Pacific Rain Jacket a versatile and adjustable jacket for all types of weather, has a windproof, waterproof and breathable shell made with Bionic-Finish technology. Stay tuned for this growing line of products.
Safe Sun Protection
UV protection that is made without harmful chemicals. Swimwear and UV Clothing that is made with fabric that is rated UPF50+, which provides excellent sun protection. You can count on years of UV protection that will never wash off! Our Sunglasses are all made with polarized lenses with 100% UVA & UVB sun protection. Feel good knowing your kid’s can enjoy the sun safely!
Safe Waterproof Rain Gear Technology
The RUDOLF GROUP has used this question to create BIONIC-FINISH ECO a sustainable and ecologically safe waterproof coating for fabrics. At Jan & Jul all our rain gear is made with fabric that uses this environmentally safe technology to create versatile rain gear that can be used in all kinds of weather. Waterproof, windproof, soil repellent and breathable without the use of any harmful chemicals!