Jan and Jul makes outdoor gear for rain, sun, and everything in between. Designed and tested by moms in the Pacific Northwest. Ethically made and built to last – Rain or Shine!
Stay dry and adventure-ready with our mix-and-match Rain Gear Collections! From waterproof jackets to durable rain pants and suits, our gear keeps little xplorers comfortable and ready for every rainy-day adventure. Shop the Collections
Let your child run, jump and play, no matter the weather! Our wide selection of shoes and boots are just as practical as they are cute. From showers to sunny days, we've got you covered for every climate!
Messy, muddy play is no match for Jan & Jul Rain Gear! Our long-lasting 100% waterproof technology is guaranteed to keep little ones dry, wear after wear. Safe for babies and free from harmful chemicals and PFAS.
We all know how harmful the sun can be on our little one’s skin! Enjoy peace of mind with Jan & Jul sun protection gear, made without harmful chemicals, dyes or solutions.
Get ready for chilly adventures with our NEW line of Snow Gear! Fully waterproof and insulated to shield kiddos from the elements on the coldest days. Enjoy peace of mind with non-toxic fabric without any harmful chemicals.
*must be subscribed to both email and SMS to be eligible, first-time subscribers only.
Jan & Jul’s sun protection is made without any harmful chemicals, dyes, or solutions. The UPF50+ protection of our hats and swimwear comes from the fabric weave and construction, so you can count on the same great protection, wear after wear.
Jan & Jul’s rain gear features fluorine-free BIONIC-FINISH® ECO, a biodegradable water-repellent coating. An inner waterproof membrane and fully taped seams ensure long-lasting protection. Waterproof, windproof, soil-repellent and breathable without the use of any harmful chemicals!
On all orders above $99
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